Signature Builder

Email Signatures Made Easy

Creating your own personalized RM Autogroup email signature has never been this easy. All you have to do is fill out this simple form and download your new signature.

Once you're done, we've provide easy to follow instructions to get you set up and ready to show off your new signature.

Setup Instructions

  Windows Mail   Outlook Desktop   Outlook Web (Single)   Outlook Web (Multiple)   DealerSocket

Windows Mail

  1. Download and open your new signature in your web browser.
  2. Click CTRL & A on your keyboard to select all then click copy. DO NOT TRY TO HIGHLIGHT MANUALLY.
  3. Open you Windows Mail app.
  4. Click the gear in the bottom right to open options and then click "Signature".
    Install Install
  5. Paste your new signature in the signature box and be sure to save

Outlook Desktop

  1. Download your new signature.
  2. Open your Outlook desktop app.
  3. At the top, click "File" and then "Options".
    Install Install
  4. On the left side of the Options window, click Mail and then find the third option "Signatures...".
    Install Install
  5. Hold CTRL on the keyboard and click "Signatures…" - This will open up file explorer.
  6. Move the signature files you created into this folder.
  7. Lastly, click on "Signatures..." without holding CTRL and set your new signature to automatically be attached to New Messages and Replies.

Outlook Web (One Signature)

  1. Download and open your new signature in your web browser.
  2. Click CTRL & A on your keyboard to select all then click copy. DO NOT TRY TO HIGHLIGHT MANUALLY.
  3. Open Outlook in your internet browser.
  4. Click the gear in the right top and search for "Email Signature".
    Install Install
  5. Paste your new signature in the signature box and be sure to save

Outlook Web (Multiple Signatures)

To add multiple signatures to your Outlook Web, you will need the Custom Signatures add-on from Microsoft AppSource.
Simply use the link, click "Get it now" and proceed to install it before continuing.

  1. Download and open your new signatures in your web browser
  2. With Custom Signatures now installed, open a new message and click the new red icon at the bottom
  3. Click the Add button at the top of the new sidepanel and enter a name for this signature
    Install Install
  4. Next, open one of the signature files you created in your web browser.
  5. Click CTRL & A on your keyboard to select all then click copy. DO NOT TRY TO HIGHLIGHT MANUALLY.
  6. Paste your new signature in the signature box and be sure to save
  7. Repeat this process for your other signatures.

NOTE: To add a default signature, please also follow the steps for Outlook Web (One Signature).


Adding a signature to DealerSocket is an Admin level action.

If you would like your new signature to your DealerSocket, please download and send new signature to your manager or the Marketing Department.